《蟲洞 5020》 Wormhole no. 5020 鄧苑文-Beatrice


虛擬實景 Augmented Reality Art, Adobe Aero



「一張纖薄的明信片,竟然是連接兩個時空的隧道?!」  蟲洞 no.5020是一張神秘又奇妙的卡片,能令50年代的美荷日常活現於2020年的你眼前。  在已褪色的過去中,你……窺探到了甚麼?   “



A flimsy postcard goes so far as a tunnel connecting two times and space?” Wormhole no.5020 is a mystic and marvellous card that let the daily life of Mei Ho in the 1950s be exposed to people of 2020. In the faded past, what did you pry into?

IOS 用家可以掃描QR code, 進入Adobe Aero 觀看作品


 For IOS users, you may scan the QR code to see 

 Wormhole no.5020  in Adobe Aero !


香港 YHA 美荷樓青年旅舍

《蟲洞 5020》影片展示

Wormhole no. 5020 (Presented in Video)

Postcard 1

Postcard 2
